The following small groups are available to everyone. They range from bible study groups to regular lunch groups. We aim to provide something for everyone.
The Barnabas Group
- Meets regularly in the afternoon.
- To encourage faith, discuss the truths of the Bible and their application in our daily lives.
Contact Richard Hemingway on 01483 570742
Sharing and Learning Group
- Meets fortnightly in the evening.
- For newcomers or those renewing their faith, and to encourage and learn to support each other in prayer.
Contact Eve Gunn on 07980 621766
Friday Group
- Meets fortnightly on Friday afternoons.
- Learning together from the Bible and what it means for our own lives (Bible study, prayer and encouraging one another).
Contact Peter and Carolyn Nicholls on 01483 825340
Young Adults
- 'Quiet Reflections' on the first Sunday each month.
- Bible study fortnightly on Thursdays.
Contact Henrietta Harding on 01483 458064 or Martyn Whiteman on 01483 534317
Men's Coffee
- Coffee morning once a month on a Wednesday.
Contact Richard Pointer on 01483 576785
Hard of Hearing Group
- Meets every 3rd Monday in the month in the daytime.
- Support for those with hearing issues, with visiting speakers.
Contact Mike or Rosemary Woodcock on 01483 569825
Wednesday Lunch Group
- Meets once a month for lunch and to support and encourage one another.
Contact Elizabeth McAlister on 01483 577258
Prayer Group
- Meets for breakfast on the second Saturday of each month at 8.30am.
- The group supports the church and the community through prayer. If you care and want to be involved because you believe prayer is important please do join us.
Contact Carolyn Nicholls on 01483 825340
Women's Bible Study & Prayer Group
- Meets fortnightly on a Monday lunchtime.
- Women gathering together for bible study, prayer and mutual support.
- Small children welcome
Contact Annie Twidell on 01483 579436 or Revd. Beverly Watson on 07547 416721
Men's Wellbeing Group
- Supporting men’s wellbeing across the community.
Contact Andy Wells on 07411 985218 or Paul Fenner on 07904 311653 or Christian Bravery on 07811 215562